Mar. 07, 2025SanegeneBio announces the initiation of phase II clinical trials for the siRNA drug SGB-9768 targeting C3More
Dec. 11, 2024Sanegene Announced First-in-Human Phase I Clinical Data for C3-Targeting siRNA Drug SGB-9768 at the 8th Complement-Based Drug Development SummitMore
Aug. 06, 2024SanegeneBio Announces FSD in Phase I Clinical Trial of SGB-9768More
Aug. 02, 2024SanegeneBio and Innovent Announce FPD in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial of SGB-3908More
Jul. 09, 2024SanegeneBio's two siRNA drugs were approved for clinical trial in ChinaMore
May 08, 2024The clinical trial application of an siRNA drug developed by SanegeneBio and Innovent for the treatment of hypertension has been accepted by the CDEMore
Feb. 26, 2024SanegeneBio siRNA drug targeting C3 has been approved for Phase I clinical trial in New ZealandMore